December 23, 2014

Wisconsin Annual Pilgrimage

It's been a while since I did a blog post.  I have been a huge slacker.  Things have been busy with life in general but I promise to make an effort at keeping Keystone Predator Flyfishing updated.

Phil Smeal and myself made the annual pilgrimage to Wisconsin to fish with Brad Bohen.  We caught tons of fish and had a hell of a trip.  We ended up boating 8 musky, 2 pike, and a walleye in 3 days.  Most of the musky were smaller around 30" but did get a couple bigger ones.  One of the musky caught was my new personal best musky (46-47") that ate a figure 8 at the boat.  I actually stole this fish from Phil because it followed his fly to the boat and then I snaked it.....sorry Phil.  Actually no I'm not lol.

While out there we also competed in the Musky Flyfishing World Championships.  We had high hopes going in but after the 2 day tournament Team Keystone Predator ended up taking 1st place in the team championship.  We landed 6 fish but 3 were under 32".  Our scoring fish were 32, 36, and 40 inches.

Brad, Phil, and I

Getcha Some

Penny Sue

Nice Wisconsin Pike

This one got the grease!!!

Nice low 40's fish

My Personal Best

Look at that mug

My smile says it all

The release

Battle Scar

36" fish from World Championships

40" and Phil's personal best


32" from World Championships

Scrappy Fella

Just a little guy........Just as hungry

Blowing the Musky Warhorn calling to the Musky Gods

Phil and I after winning

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